SKU #10599
Slice® 10599 安全长柄铲刀特别使用了坚固的铝制刀柄来延长刀片可触及的范围。这款设计独特的铲刀拿起来虽有些份量,但在重量与手感上却能取得了令人惊艳的平衡,使用上相当趁手。其刀片的倾斜角度更是为符合人体工学而设计,能让使用者的手腕和手臂在使用刀片时,仍可以保持自然且舒服的姿势。
10599 安全长柄铲刀采用了Slice的工业安全刀片。这款长达12厘米/4英寸的刀片,大幅地增加削刮的范围,让大面积的工作变得更有效率。所有Slice的安全刀片皆由100%氧化锆陶瓷制造,拥有不生锈的特性,其使用寿命更较金属刀片长上11倍。刀片制程更采用了独特安全刀片打磨技术—也就是说,我们的刀片比任何其它危险又锋利的传统刀片要安全的多。
Slice 10599 安全长柄铲刀标配我们圆弧形刀尖的安全刀片。当然,您还能选择 10539 工业安全刀片(尖形刀尖)及 10540 工业安全刀片(锯齿状刀刃)来交互使用。Slice这款铲刀可轻易地将光滑表面上的油漆、环氧树脂及粘合剂除去。
- 已安装刀片类型:圆弧形刀尖 #10538
- 手感舒适的超耐用金属刀柄
- 双手通用设计
- 附有挂绳孔
- 采用独特安全刀片,可安全且利落地削刮
- 减少伤害;降低成本
- 刀片为化学堕性材质,具不生锈特性
- 刀片无需上保养油,润滑油
- 刀片100%由氧化锆陶瓷制成
- 刀片保持锋利时间较钢制刀片长11.2倍
- 更换刀片次数越少 = 伤害越少
- 可兼容刀片:10538, 10539, 10540
- 更换刀片无需使用工具
- SKU编号 #10599
Great for:
- Scraping away paint, rust and adhesives
- Removing wallpaper, stickers, and tape
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: Al / Zn alloy, GFN, PP, TPE, stainless steel, iron, zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.88 lb x W x H

Slice Scrapers
Compatible Products
Why Do People Choose Long-Handed Scrapers?
A long-handled scraper provides extra reach for the user, which is helpful on large surfaces, especially in areas that require awkward angles. It’s much safer to use an extended-reach tool than to overstretch your body, especially if you’re on a ladder where you risk losing your balance. These scrapers also tend to have wider blades, making them ideal for large surface areas. A wider blade significantly cuts down on scraping, saving time and energy.
How is the Slice Heavy-Duty Scraper Better Than Existing Scrapers?
In a word: safety. While all Slice tools are well built using high-quality materials, what most differentiates a Slice tool from any similar tool on the market is safety. We take 100-percent zirconium oxide and apply our proprietary grind to create a finger-friendly® blade—that is, a blade that’s safer to touch. Our blades can cut skin, but are much less likely to cause serious damage in the event of a laceration. We’ve also included a blade cover for when the tool is not in use. This prevents accidental injuries, should you be rummaging in a toolbox and come in contact with the blade.
Slice considers ergonomics. A tool acts as an extension of the hand, or the arm in the case of a long handle. Scraper design is important to reduce extra fatigue and our angled blade encourages a natural arm and wrist position, which reduces the likelihood of a repetitive strain injury.
Slice tools also represent a cost savings in comparison with other brands. Long-handled scrapers come in a variety of quality levels. A long-handled plastic scraper—especially if made with standard inexpensive and weak plastic—is perhaps less expensive in the beginning, but will likely cost more in the long run because it will need to be replaced sooner. Our aluminum handle is extremely sturdy and Slice blades have proven, in third-party independent testing, to last up to 11.2 times longer than comparable metal blades. This is due in part to the extreme hardness of our advanced ceramic material (8.2 on the Mohs Scale), and in part to our unique blade design.
Slice considers ergonomics. A tool acts as an extension of the hand, or the arm in the case of a long handle. Scraper design is important to reduce extra fatigue and our angled blade encourages a natural arm and wrist position, which reduces the likelihood of a repetitive strain injury.
Slice tools also represent a cost savings in comparison with other brands. Long-handled scrapers come in a variety of quality levels. A long-handled plastic scraper—especially if made with standard inexpensive and weak plastic—is perhaps less expensive in the beginning, but will likely cost more in the long run because it will need to be replaced sooner. Our aluminum handle is extremely sturdy and Slice blades have proven, in third-party independent testing, to last up to 11.2 times longer than comparable metal blades. This is due in part to the extreme hardness of our advanced ceramic material (8.2 on the Mohs Scale), and in part to our unique blade design.
How Can a Thicker Blade Scrape Effectively?
Customers have noticed that Slice blades are thicker than traditional blades. While this is true for the majority of the blade, the edge is still ground to an effective sharpness and able to cut a variety of materials when used in an industrial knife handle. The edge of our blade is still narrow enough to slip underneath paint or adhesives. The edge then lifts the material being scraped, and does so without buckling or shifting—in part because of its thicker blade, and in part because of the tremendous strength of our advanced ceramic blades. Compared with Slice utility scrapers and mini scrapers, the long scraper has a wider blade with more surface area for scraping, making it comfortable for large-surface jobs.
What Blade Options Are Available?
Our long scraper is compatible with three different blades. It ships with the 10538 Industrial Blade (Rounded Tip) installed, as this is the style that’s most requested by safety managers. It’s also compatible with the 10539 Industrial Blade (Pointed Tip), and the 10540 Industrial Blade (Serrated). All three of these blades are also compatible with our industrial knives, which are designed for soft, thick materials, like foam and fiberglass insulation batts.
How Do I Change the Blade?
Like most of our tools, the 10599 offers easy, no-tool blade change. First, make sure you’ve removed the blade cover. Then locate the blade tightener just above the Slice logo on the handle. Turn it counter-clockwise to loosen the blade. Flip the tool over to find the word, “Press”, which indicates where you must press with your thumb to release the blade. There will be very little give in this button, but you’ll notice that if you pull the blade straight out of the scraper while pressing, it comes out easily. If you’re struggling with this, make sure you’ve loosened the blade-tightening screw sufficiently. The blade will come out easily and a new blade will slip in. Once this is done, release the “Press” area and tighten the screw once more.
Will a Ceramic Blade Break?
When we say ‘heavy-duty scraper’, we’re not just referring to the handle. Slice blades are made from advanced ceramics, which are harder than steel by several factors. In addition, our thicker blade design and the sturdy hold of our long-handled scraper ensures an extremely strong, durable tool.