SKU #10562
Slice® 10562 フォールディングナイフには、Slice社のfinger-friendly®(指にやさしい)安全刃を使用しています。馴染みのあるポケットナイフや折りたたみナイフの利便性はそのままに、ポケットに入れて、又は付属のベルト用クリップを使用して、いつでも手の届くところに持ち歩けます。ナイフを使用する際には、クイックリリースロックボタンを押すと、ロックが解除され、折りたたまれていた刃の部分が出てきます。フィンガーループに人差し指を通すことで、より快適で、安全に握ることができます。他のSlice製品と同様、10562 フォールディングナイフは、左利きの方にも右利きの方にもお使いいただけます。付属している刃は、刃先が丸く尖っていないため、より安全かつ効率的に切断ができます。更に、従来の金属刃に比べて11倍以上長持ちします。Slice社のセラミック安全刃はいずれも、非発火性、非電導性で錆びません。
- 付属している刃の種類:セラミック替刃(ラウンド刃先ユーティリティ)
- 耐久性の高いメタルハンドル(フィンガーループ付き)
- 持ち手部分に刃を収納(折りたたみ式)
- 左右両利きに対応するデザイン
- finger-friendly®(指にやさしい)刃で、効率よく裁断
- ケガの軽減、コストの削減
- 非発火性、非電導性、非磁性の刃
- 化学的不活性の刃、錆びない
- オイルや潤滑油が不要な刃
- 酸化ジルコニウム(100%)製の刃
- 刃先は金属刃に比べ耐摩耗性が11.2倍
- 刃の交換回数が減る=怪我が減る
- 持ち歩きに便利な、ベルト用クリップ付き
- 適合する替刃:10526、10528
- 刃の交換に工具不要
- SKU #10562
Great for:
- Opening and breaking down cardboard boxes
- Cutting tape, vinyl, shrink wrap, and plastic
- Wire stripping
- Drywall scoring
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: Carbon steel, aluminium, PA, stainless steel, zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.44 lb x W x H

What Customers Are Saying
Extremely durable and the clip popular with my staff.
Timothy O., HSE Manager at Hydro
I just bought my second (one for inside home and one for garage) along with some replacement blades. I bought my first on over a year ago and it is heavily used. Same blade just flipped it once. Good product
Michael Lowe
Excellent for field work, strong and very durable
Folding Utility Knife
Blade Replacement for the Folding Utility Knife
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What’s the Difference Between GFN and Metal Handles?
Slice’s folding utility knife is the first safety knife we’ve released that features a metal handle. Until now, our handles have been made from GFN (glass-filled nylon), an extremely durable kind of plastic. Going forward, Slice® will continue to make handles out of GFN and add more metal handles because the difference really comes down to user preference.
Both materials are sturdy and can easily handle industrial use, but many users simply prefer metal because that’s what they’re accustomed to. In the end, hand tools are like clothing, in that everyone has different preferences. As a matter of safety, it’s important to offer a variety of choices to OHS managers who are trying to gain compliance from their staff.
During the design process, we asked ourselves how we could make the best quality folding utility knife. Our goal is always to reduce injuries and lower costs. Offering safer choices to all users, regardless of their handle preferences, is part of fulfilling that promise.
Both materials are sturdy and can easily handle industrial use, but many users simply prefer metal because that’s what they’re accustomed to. In the end, hand tools are like clothing, in that everyone has different preferences. As a matter of safety, it’s important to offer a variety of choices to OHS managers who are trying to gain compliance from their staff.
During the design process, we asked ourselves how we could make the best quality folding utility knife. Our goal is always to reduce injuries and lower costs. Offering safer choices to all users, regardless of their handle preferences, is part of fulfilling that promise.
How Should I Grip the Slice Foldable Utility Knife?
Slice’s folding pocket utility knife gives users a few different options for grip. While using the featured finger loop—intended for the index finger—is a convenient way to hold the knife, it’s certainly not the only way. A user’s grip will depend partly on preference, and partly on the task at hand. It will also depend on whether the user is wearing safety gloves, and how they fit. We encourage people to try gripping the tool with and without using the finger loop to see which works best. Either way, the indent behind the finger loop is a helpful spot to anchor the hand and get a firmer grip while cutting.
How Long Does a Folding Pocket Utility Knife’s Blade Last?
A foldable utility knife has a longevity advantage over a knife with no sheath or blade guard. Because the pocket knife’s blade folds right into the handle when not in use, it’s protected from friction against other objects. This friction speeds up the blade’s natural dulling process.
In addition to this, of course, Slice’s safety blades last much longer than traditional steel blades. Our unique blade design is made from 100 percent zirconium oxide and is thicker than standard blades. As a result, our blades have been shown to last up to 11 times longer than steel blades in independent, third-party testing.
In addition to this, of course, Slice’s safety blades last much longer than traditional steel blades. Our unique blade design is made from 100 percent zirconium oxide and is thicker than standard blades. As a result, our blades have been shown to last up to 11 times longer than steel blades in independent, third-party testing.
How Do I Replace the Blade in the 10562?
The folding pocket knife requires no extra tools to change its blade. This procedure is done quickly and easily, with minimal disruption to your work.
First, ensure that your foldable utility knife is fully extended and locked in the open position. Then, find the oblong button at the tip of the handle, very close to where the blade extends from the handle. Press this button and pull the blade out of its casing at the same time. At this point, you can flip the blade around for a fresh edge or replace the entire blade. To insert the blade, simply hold down the same oblong button and slide the blade back into the casing. Make sure the cutting edge is facing down and the blade’s notch is closest to the edge with the blade button. The blade should slide in easily. When the blade is fully inserted, release the blade button and continue to use the knife as before.
First, ensure that your foldable utility knife is fully extended and locked in the open position. Then, find the oblong button at the tip of the handle, very close to where the blade extends from the handle. Press this button and pull the blade out of its casing at the same time. At this point, you can flip the blade around for a fresh edge or replace the entire blade. To insert the blade, simply hold down the same oblong button and slide the blade back into the casing. Make sure the cutting edge is facing down and the blade’s notch is closest to the edge with the blade button. The blade should slide in easily. When the blade is fully inserted, release the blade button and continue to use the knife as before.
What Is the Best Folding Utility Knife for Safety?
In a sense, the best folding utility knife is the one you have on hand at the time. But as the only folding pocket utility knife on the market with a safety blade, we believe that the 10562 is also the safest. Slice’s patent-pending finger-friendly® blades cut your materials effectively while keeping you safe at the same time. And, of course, with the Slice Folding Utility Knife‘s perfect pocket size and convenient belt clip, it will always be nearby.