ユーティリティースクレーパー 刃先自動収納式
SKU #10593
Slice社のfinger-friendly®(指にやさしい)安全刃を使用したツールのラインナップに、Slice® 10593 ユーティリティースクレーパー 刃先自動収納式が加わりました。エルゴノミクス(人間工学的)デザインの丈夫な強化ナイロン製の持ち手は、滑らかなグリップで握り心地よく、10526 セラミック替刃(ラウンド刃先ユーティリティ)が付属しています。スライダーボタンから手を離すと刃が自動的に持ち手の中に戻る刃先自動収納式では、スクレイピング(削り取り)作業時にスライダーボタンを押し続けているので、刃先調整固定式に比べて手や手首に負担がかかりがちです。よって刃先自動収納式にSureScrape™機能を搭載することで、手や手首にかかる負担を軽減し、安全かつ快適にスクレイピング作業を行えるようにしました。Slice社のセラミック安全刃はいずれも、オイルや潤滑油による手入れは不要です。化学的不活性で、錆びることもありません。
- SureScrape™により、手や手首の負担を軽減
- 付属している刃の種類:ラウンド刃先ユーティリティ #10526
- 耐久性の高いナイロン製持ち手(滑らかで握り心地よいグリップ)
- 左右両利きに対応するデザイン
- finger-friendly®(指にやさしい)刃は、金属刃に比べ耐摩耗性が11倍
- 刃の交換回数が減る=怪我が減る
- ケガの軽減、コストの削減
- 非発火性、非電導性、非磁性の刃
- 化学的不活性の刃、錆びない
- オイルや潤滑油が不要な刃
- 適合する替刃:10526、10528
- 刃の交換に工具不要
- SKU #10593
Great for:
- Scraping away paint, rust and adhesives
- Removing stickers, tape and wallpaper
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: GFN, TPEE, POM, carbon steel, zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.19 lb x W x H

Auto-Retractable Utility Scraper
Blade Replacement on Slice Utility Scrapers
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What is SureScrape™?
Every so often a design comes along that’s so intuitive, it feels natural—even familiar. SureScrape is one of those innovations that quietly does its job so well that you won’t even notice it’s there. It’s a design solution to a common problem with auto-retractable scrapers.
In contrast to an auto-retract knife, where a user holds the slider to expose the blade, then pulls the blade through the material to cut it, an auto-retract scraper requires the user to extend the blade then push against the material. This causes hand strain, as the thumb must both hold the slider and absorb the pressure of the scraping motion. It’s not noticeable at first, but over time that pressure strains the thumb and makes the tool difficult to use.
Slice looked at this problem with fresh eyes and created a mechanism that, when the scraper is in use, absorbs much of the excess pressure, giving the user’s hand a break. SureScrape doesn’t interfere with the spring-loaded retraction once the slider is released, so users no longer have to choose between safety and usability. Slice’s innovative design—we’re the first company with such a mechanism—improves ergonomics and safety at the same time.
In contrast to an auto-retract knife, where a user holds the slider to expose the blade, then pulls the blade through the material to cut it, an auto-retract scraper requires the user to extend the blade then push against the material. This causes hand strain, as the thumb must both hold the slider and absorb the pressure of the scraping motion. It’s not noticeable at first, but over time that pressure strains the thumb and makes the tool difficult to use.
Slice looked at this problem with fresh eyes and created a mechanism that, when the scraper is in use, absorbs much of the excess pressure, giving the user’s hand a break. SureScrape doesn’t interfere with the spring-loaded retraction once the slider is released, so users no longer have to choose between safety and usability. Slice’s innovative design—we’re the first company with such a mechanism—improves ergonomics and safety at the same time.