ボックスカッター 刃先自動収納式
SKU #10503
Slice® 10503 ボックスカッター 刃先自動収納式は、エルゴノミクス(人間工学)に基づいて設計されています。ケガから手を守るJフック型の持ち手やSlice社独自のセラミック安全刃(特許出願中)により、作業時の安全性を高めます。このボックスカッターは、手を離すと刃が持ち手に引っ込む刃先自動収納式です。この機能により、使っていないときに刃が露出していて、偶発的にケガをしてしまうといったケースを防ぎます。またJフック型の持ち手は、ホッチキス止め等によるケガから指を守ります。ボックスカッター 刃先自動収納式の刃は、酸化ジルコニウム(100%)製で、非発火性、非磁性、化学的不活性です。耐熱温度は1600℃で、錆びることもありません。10503 ボックスカッター 刃先自動収納式は、シングル壁/ダブル壁の段ボールに対応しており、また他の様々な素材にもお使いいただけます。作業中、ボックスカッター 刃先自動収納式の持ち手をポケットに引っ掛けておくこともできます。ただし、刃の方をポケットの外側にし、体から離しておいてください。ボックスカッター 刃先自動収納式は、携帯に便利なストラップ穴付きです。
- 付属している刃の種類:セラミック替刃(ラウンド刃先)#10404
- 耐久性の高いグラスファイバー強化ナイロン製持ち手(滑り止め付き)
- 安全な刃先自動収納式
- エルゴノミクス(人間工学的)デザインの持ち手により、負担を軽減
- 左右両利きに対応するデザイン
- ストラップ穴付き
- finger-friendly®(指にやさしい)刃で、効率よく裁断
- ケガの軽減、コストの削減
- 非発火性、非電導性、非磁性の刃
- 化学的不活性の刃、錆びない
- オイルや潤滑油が不要な刃
- 酸化ジルコニウム(100%)製の刃
- 刃は金属刃に比べ耐摩耗性が11.2倍
- 刃の交換回数が減る=怪我が減る
- 適合する替刃:10404、10408
- 刃の交換に工具不要
- SKU #10503
Great for:
- Opening boxes and bags
- Box disassembling
- Cutting tape, shrink wrap and plastic film
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: TPEE, GFN, POM, carbon steel, zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.28 lb x W x H

What Customers Are Saying
I use it everyday. It’s always close by. Cuts everything. Boxes, packages, envelopes, tyvek. Plastic anti-theft packaging. I can open anything with it.
R. M. Howard
I love this cutter. Extremely safe and easy to use. I highly recommend it. I have had it for 2.5 years with no issues.
Michael Moss
These are the handiest tools ever. I keep one at home and one at work and I just bought my coworkers one each! Love these!
Maureen N.
Auto-Retractable Box Cutter
Box Cutter Blade Replacement
Cutting Ceramic Fiber Paper Safely With Durable Slice Blades
How To Properly Use Slice Box Cutters
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What Is a Box Cutter Used For?
As the name suggests, box cutters are often used to open corrugated material but they can also handle a wide variety of other materials such as clamshell packaging, tape, card stock, and plastic film. Be sure you choose the right blade tip (rounded or pointed) for your application.
Why Buy a Box Cutter From Slice?
The Slice® award-winning J-hook design changed ideas about how to use a box cutter. Not only does the wrap-around handle protect the user from staples and other debris, but the blade housing reduces unnecessary blade exposure. The handle also acts as a built-in guide, giving the user more control over the angle of the cut, and encouraging an ergonomic grip. Simply put, the Slice box cutter is a safety box cutter, from its finger-friendly® safety blade to its innovative tool design.
In addition to our auto-retractable box cutter providing a safer cut, Slice blades are also chemically inert, meaning they never rust. They’re non-conductive, oil and lubricant free, and they last up to 11 times longer than steel. Fewer blade changes are involved, which means more money in your pocket. The ergonomic handle also helps to reduce strain.
In addition to our auto-retractable box cutter providing a safer cut, Slice blades are also chemically inert, meaning they never rust. They’re non-conductive, oil and lubricant free, and they last up to 11 times longer than steel. Fewer blade changes are involved, which means more money in your pocket. The ergonomic handle also helps to reduce strain.
What About Replacement Blades?
When searching how to put a blade in a box cutter, you'll find all kinds of complex procedures involving screwdrivers and safety gloves. Not so with Slice's safe box cutters. Our tool-free blade replacement and patent-pending finger-friendly edge make blade changes easy and safe. And because our blades last 11 times longer than steel, you'll be replacing blades less often.
For most applications, the Slice 10404 rounded-tip blade adds extra safety protection, but for jobs that require a piercing action to initiate the cut, try the 10408 pointed-tip blade.
For most applications, the Slice 10404 rounded-tip blade adds extra safety protection, but for jobs that require a piercing action to initiate the cut, try the 10408 pointed-tip blade.
Which Slice Box Cutter Is Right For Me?
Slice manufactures two styles of J-hook tool: the retractable box cutter and the manual, or fixed-position blade, box cutter. The manual box cutter is ideal for users that are cutting constantly with few breaks in between strokes. The retractable box cutter has an added layer of safety because the retracting blade prevents the user from accidentally leaving the blade exposed when the knife is not in use.
Both Slice box cutters can handle material depths up to and including double-walled corrugated. If you're cutting something thicker, we recommend one of our utility knives.
Both Slice box cutters can handle material depths up to and including double-walled corrugated. If you're cutting something thicker, we recommend one of our utility knives.