Manuel Kartonkniv
SKU #10585
Slice® 10585 Manuel Kartonknive er en smart tilføjelse til vores udvalg af sikkerhedsknive. Dette værktøjsdesign, som navnet foreslår - længden og vinklen af det eksponerede blad medtænkt - er ideel til karton og tyndt bølgepap. Slice Kartonkniv (Manuel) har lige nøjagtig den rette eksponering af knivblad, der gør det let at skære karton uden at risikere at skade pakkens indhold. Skyd værktøjets beskyttende metalkappe frem eller tilbage, for at eksponere knivbladet. 10585’eren bliver fragtet med et 10526-knivblad med afrundet spids. Ligesom vores andre Slice-knive, er dette knivblad udstyret med vores finger-friendly® kant, er kemisk inaktiv, ruster aldrig og holder op til 11 gange længere end lignende metalblade.
- Installeret bladtype: afrundet spids
- Holdbart nylonhåndtag med acetone-resistent metalkappe
- Ligehåndet design
- Finger-friendly® knivblad skærer effektivt
- Reducerer skader, sænker omkostninger
- Gnistfri, ikke-ledende, umagnetisk knivblad
- Kemisk inaktivt knivblad, der aldrig ruster
- Olie- og smørelsesfrit knivblad
- 100 procent zirconiumoxid knivblad
- Kant på kniv holder op til 11x længere end metal
- Færre bladskift = færre skader
- Kompatible knivblade: 10526, 10528
- Værktøjsfrit bladskift
- SKU #10585
Great for:
- Opening boxes, packaging, and shrink wrap
- Slicing cardstock
- Removing coupons from cereal boxes
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: GFN, aluminum, zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.07 lb x W x H

What Customers Are Saying
I buy these knives for my inspection crew at work. Very durable and cut through cardboard easily. I liked them so much I bought a few for home as well.
Charles Wiggins
This thing is a blast. It’s one of those things that feels good when you use it. It glides through the tape on my packages. I love that sensation. I also use it on my small envelopes, vitamin difficult bottles and large envelope packages.
I love this. It’s small & so easy to use. I can’t believe how well it cuts open packages yet it doesn’t feel sharp to the touch. It’s awesome! I bought several & they make great stocking stuffers.
Sue Messing
Replacing Carton Cutter Blades
What Is a Carton Cutter?
>While many people use utility knives for this purpose and handle designs vary, carton knives typically have a thin, flat rectangular handle with a sheath that slides over the housing to expose or protect the blade. Many use standard metal utility blades while others use (dangerous) snap-off metal blades.These tools are frequently smaller than standard utility cutters and fit easily in the palm of your hand.
How Are Slice Carton Cutters Safer?
How Do I Change the Blade in the Slice Carton Cutter?
Ensure that the new blade lines up with the notch in the housing and close the housing. Before you slide the metal sheath back on, check for the notch on the bottom of the sheath. Line up the blade with this notch and slide the housing back in. This will ensure that the stopper on the housing lines up with the notch on the sheath, limiting how far down the sheath can slide.